Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Buy Green- Earth Top 15 Actions!

1. Plant a local native species tree in your yard or start a garden for you and your neighbors to share.
2. Simply stop using pesticides and use chemical free cleaning products.
3. Turn off most lights and standby electronics when you leave the room and buy energy-saving, electronics, appliances and lighting.
4. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
5. Shop and Buy Green. Be a consumer that uses your dollars to support companies and products that are better for the Earth.
6. Lower your thermostat in the winter and raise it in the summer. Make sure your house is well insulated.
7. STOP buying bottled water and use a reusable non-plastic bottle.
8. Reduce your water consumption - Especially on the lawn, bathroom, kitchen and washing your car are good places to start
9. Start a compost pile in your back yard or on your rooftop.
10. Buy foods locally, mostly organic and in season.
11. Ride a bike, walk, jog, skate, bus or run everywhere!
12. At holidays and birthdays, give your family and friends the gift of saving the earth ~ donate to an environmental cause in their name.
13. Get off junk mail lists. GreenDimes can get you started. They'll even plant a tree for you!
14. Buy products that use recyclable biodegradable materials whenever possible.
15. Bring your own non-plastic bags to the grocery store... recycle your plastic bags NEVER DISCARD!

Shop for more products online or locally here: http://www.buygreen.com/

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